Lionel Street, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 6DY

01282 427154

Ightenhill Nursery School


Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead:  Mrs. Nicola Daniels-Green

School Business Manager: Mrs. Kelly Fletcher

Business Support Officer: Miss Grace Horn

Class Teacher, SENDCO and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead:  Mrs. Amanda Mangham

Teacher: Miss Georgia Entwistle

Teaching Assistant and Forest School Lead: Mrs. Angela Auld

Teaching Assistant  and Pupil and Family Support: Mrs. Claire Whitehead

Teaching Assistant: Miss. Donna. Nuttall

Teaching Assistant : Miss Florence Bushby

Teaching Assistant : Miss. Helen Sutcliffe

Teaching Assistant: Miss. Claire Collins

Teaching Assistant: Miss. Bethany Barry

Lunchtime Assistant: Miss Harley Gill

Lunchtime Assistant: Mrs Susan Beckett

Lunchtime Assistant: Miss Gemma Wilcock